EU enlargement

After the eastward enlargement is before the eastward enlargement
Monday, May 6, 2024, 14:00 hrs
Together with the Free Ukrainian University of Ukraine, we invite you to an exchange of ideas.
The eastward enlargement has reunited Europe and developed the single market with almost 500 million inhabitants into a global heavyweight. 20 years after the largest eastward expansion of the European Union, we want to exchange experiences with the former accession countries, the current accession candidates and Bavaria, which moved from a peripheral location to the center of the European Union.
We are not only looking back, but also forward in order to show perspectives for the future during Europe Week. Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine has made it abundantly clear that the European Union must become stronger geographically and institutionally in order to safeguard European values, expand the single market and play a global role. We need more Europe, not less Europe!
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