German-Turkish economic relations - opportunities and risks in turbulent times

DTFM - German-Turkish Forum Munich in cooperation with EUBA Unternehmerverband and OWWF e.V.
On Thursday, 17 May 2018, the OstWstWirtschaftsForum Bayern and the Deutsch-Türkisches Forum München invited representatives of Turkish and German companies to come together at one table. The topic was the future of economic relations between Turkey and Germany.
A report can be found at
The event was also very well received by the Bavarian-Turkish press and Turkish press organs:
Announcement of the Event:
Thursday 17.05.2018, 19:00 h, Maximilianeum Hall 2
An international dialogue with contributions from
- Frank Kaiser, Representative of the Free State of Bavaria in Turkey
- Joachim Menze, Head of the Regional Representation of the European Commission in Munich
- Dincer Celik, Deniz-Er Speditions- und Handels GmbH, Planegg
- Nilgün Stauch, DTFM Coordinator and Freelance Journalist
- Andreas Keck, Deputy Federal Chairman Liberaler Mittelstand
- from 17:30 Arrival and networking
- 18:00 hrs. Welcome by the organizers
Frank Kaiser: Economy & SMEs in Turkey - Insides & A
Joachim Menze: Brief description of the latest progress report of the
EU Commission on Turkey
Dincer Celik: Report from an entrepreneurial perspective
- approx. 19:00 hrs. Moderated dialogue with panel and participants
- approx. 20:00 hrs. Closing remarks by the organizer
End of the official part & Ending / Networking
8:45 p.m. Break fast together with our Muslim friends in the restaurant Oliviva in der Meile Moosach, Bunzlauer Platz 5 - 7, Munich
On January 1, 2010, the new representative office of the Free State of Bavaria was opened in Turkey. The then 21st Bavarian representative office was officially opened in March 2010 by Bavarian State Minister Zeil with the aim of further promoting the already intensive bilateral relations. The Bavarian model of the representative network abroad has proven to be a very successful instrument for promoting foreign trade. However, the developments of recent years have led to a "slide in political relations" between Germany and Turkey. The list of issues critical to both sides is long.
In this International Business Dialogue we therefore want to reflect on the negative developments of the years in terms of their impact on economic relations between Bavaria and Turkey and the opportunities and risks for the future, especially after Turkey's early parliamentary and presidential elections on 24 June 2018.
Location of the event:
Bavarian Parliament (Maximilianeum), Hall 2
We would also like to point out that due to the applicable security regulations, parking in the underground car park of the state parliament is no longer possible. The nearest car park is located at Innere Wiener Straße 15 next to the Hofbräukeller.
Registration required from all participants with name/address and/or date of birth.
Registration deadline is Wednesday, 16 May 2018