Turning Point

"Turn of the Times? Christian Peace Ethics in the Face of the Ukraine War"
Regional Bishop Prof. Dr. Bedford-Strohm
Chairman of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches
Bavarian State Parliament - Maximilianeum, Conference Hall
Tuesday, 04 July 2023, 6:30 pm
We know "holy war" as the jihad of Muslim extremists. But in the history of Christianity, too, there have been repeated calls for holy war against the infidels. Patriarch Cyril I is head of the Russian Orthodox Church (and former KGB agent). Cyril transfigures the Russian war of aggression into a Holy War against the West and is one of Putin's most ardent supporters.
The Russian Orthodox Church is also a member of the World Council of Churches, how does that square with Christian peace ethics? Why is religion repeatedly misused to justify imperialist striving for power? Prof. Dr. Bedford-Strohm, outgoing Bishop of the Protestant Church in Bavaria, will explore this fundamental question.
Invitation to the event