Bavaria Russia: New perspectives for value chains instead of barriers through sanctions

OWWF Forum on 27 April in Nuremberg wants to revive relations between Bavaria and Russia
Former Federal Minister of Economics Michael Glos and Alexander Blumhardt, General Representative of the Knauf Group for the CIS states, called for new perspectives in cooperation between Russia and Bavaria.
The sanctions would not benefit mutual relations but, on the contrary, would create new barriers and increase market shares for competitors on the world market, such as China and others. It was therefore urgent to restore the normality of relations between the European Union, Russia and Ukraine by implementing the Minsk Agreement. This opens up new opportunities for new jobs in promising industries through value chains and technology partnerships between Bavaria, Russia and Ukraine. People and markets benefit from the development of the infrastructure. In the opinion of OWWF President Eberhard Sinner, these opportunities should be used consistently.