Pace Chapel Rossoschka

The chapel, which is currently under construction, will be inaugurated on 7 September 2016 as part of the Volgograd City Festival.
The economic relations with Russia, which have become problematic in recent times, have prompted us to look for ways to maintain the thread of dialogue with our Russian partners in accordance with our motto "Building bridges from barriers". This led to the Rossoschka Peace Chapel project.
At the town festival in 2013, 70 years after the Battle of Stalingrad, the foundation stone was laid for a peace chapel in Rossoschka, which connects the German military cemetery and the Soviet military cemetery.
In Bavaria, the project is supported by the OstWestWirtschaftsForum Bayern. We were able to win Nikolaus Knauf, the Russian Honorary Consul in Bavaria, as our patron.
At the beginning of September 2016 we want to inaugurate the chapel on the occasion of the Volgograd City Festival. On this occasion we organize a delegation trip of the Bavarian economy to Volgograd.
In this way, we would like to remember the message written on the memorial stones in Rossoschka:
"You worry,
who still are alive,
that peace remains,
Peace between people,
Peace between the nations "
In view of the current developments in Eastern Europe, we see this peace chapel, which connects the Soviet and German military cemeteries in Rossoschka, as a symbol of peace, which is the most important basis for living together in freedom and security between the East and West of Europe.