Cooperation with IFIMES

International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies
Mrs. Dragana Stoijic, OWWF Balkans correspondent, has established a first contact with IFIMES. In a MuO we have identified the goal of closer cooperation. IFIMES publishes relatively often interesting studies that also concern our topics. We will make these available for download in our media library.
Here is a short description of the institute:
IFIMES - International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, has a special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council ECOSOC/UN since 2018. IFIMES is also the editor of the biannual international scientific journal European Perspectives. IFIMES collects and selects various information and sources on the most important conflict areas in the world. The Institute analyzes mutual relations between the parties with the aim of promoting the importance of reconciliation, early prevention/preventive diplomacy and disarmament/confidence-building measures in regional or global conflict resolution of existing conflicts and the role of preventive measures against new global disputes.
The research and working area of the IFIMES Institute is the Middle East (MENA Middle East and North Africa) and the Balkans (Southeast Europe), where the relations between the different states are additionally complicated by religious, ethnic, national and racial reasons. The Institute's staff are renowned experts, scientists, managers, journalists and researchers.
IFIMES cooperates extensively in projects, studies and analyses with relevant institutions from Europe, America, Asia and the MENA Balkan countries (Southeast Europe). IFIMES' think-tank activities are particularly focused on the areas of international (foreign) policy and economics, international relations, consulting for governmental institutions as well as non-state actors such as science and business.
Further information can be found on the homepage of the institute: