Czech Republic: Critical of Europe and populist?

Joint event of the Europa-Union Germany and the OWWF
Announcement of the Event:
Czech Republic: Critical of Europe and populist?
What course does our neighbour follow according to the Parliament and Präsidentschaftswahlen?
Venue: Caritas-Pirckheimer-Haus, Königstr. 64, 90402 Nürnberg
19.00 h Welcome Jürgen Brand, District Chairman of the Europa-Union Nürnberg e.V.
19.05 h Greeting Hans-Peter Schmidt, Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic
19.15 h Czech Republic: Critical of Europe and populist?
What course is our neighbor taking in accordance with the Parliamentary and
Presidential elections?
followed by an opportunity for questions and discussion
Martin Kastler, former MEP, Representative of the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Prague
We look forward to your participation and many good discussions.
Please book your participation by email to Mr. Jürgen Brand:
Europa-Union Nürnberg e.V.
Forchheimer Str. 76
90425 Nürnberg
Tel. 0911-3070021
Mobil 0177-2975451