Interview with SARIO Slovakian Invest and Trade Development Agency

Vice President Hermann Pönisch met Mr. Jozef Troják, Head of the Investment Projects Department and Mr. Vladimir Lezák, Director of the Investment Department in Bratislava at the SARIO headquarters for a first discussion. Due to other commitments, Mr Tibor Bucek, Manager of the Export Department was unable to attend the meeting.
The conversation took place in a friendly atmosphere. There was great interest on the part of Slovakia in contacting BayernInvest. Slovakia has experienced an astonishing economic development in a short period of time. This is impressively demonstrated not least by the investments of the German automotive industry. Vice President Hermann Pönisch referred to the OWWF Bayern - Interest in the development of the Danube Region and the Danube Strategy of the EU.
It was agreed that there would be an intensive exchange of information in order to strengthen mutual relations.